Gilan Popular Foods and Recipes
20 Iranian Foods and Recipes in Gilan
Gilan, a province located in the northern part of Iran, is renowned for its diverse and delicious cuisine, friendly locals, and beautiful natural scenery. In 2015, UNESCO designated Gilan as a creative and diverse culinary province, with over 220 types of local cuisine. The dishes are known for their vibrant colors, strong aromas, and bold flavors, featuring local ingredients such as eggplant, garlic, walnuts, pomegranate paste, and fresh vegetables. Some of the most popular dishes in Gilan include sour chicken, anarbij stew, baghalaghatogh, mirza ghasemi, and pickled olives. Tourists are often drawn to the region for its culinary offerings, and it is recommended to sample each city's unique dishes in their respective locations to fully experience the diversity of Gilan's cuisine. The people of Gilan creatively use a wide variety of local plants, chickens, and sea animals to create their dishes, resulting in a vast array of flavors and textures.